Maurice Robinson explaining the difference between the Majority Text and the Byzantine Text.
Perseverance in Evangelism
I was preparing for a Bible study and came across Acts 19:8-10, 8 He entered the synagogue and for three months spoke out boldly and argued…
Sean McDowell and Mark Ward: 7 Bad Bible Translations
Today I listened to Mark Ward talk on “7 Bad Bible Translations” in Sean McDowell’s channel. Mark Ward’s 7 “Bad” Bible Translations First off, are…
Towards a theology of pets (part 1)
…the poor man had nothing except one small ewe lamb that he had bought. He raised her, and she grew up with him and with…
Why Evangelicals Need Theological Retrieval
I just ran into this great article from The Gospel Coalition and I thought I’d share: “Why Evangelicals Need Theological Retrieval”
C. S. Lewis on non-Christians
C. S. Lewis describes the life of a saved Christian as a “Christ-life” or “new life”. In his book Mere Christianity, he briefly touches on…
Ilaria Ramelli on Patristic support for “apokatastasis”
This is an excerpt from the first chapter of I. L. E. Ramelli’s work The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New…
John Cooper on Christian “influencers” falling away
Over the summer, a very influential Christian announced he was leaving his faith. Just a few days ago, another influential Christian announced his doubts about…
González on the role of women in Early Church leadership
This is an excerpt from Justo González’s ‘The Story of Christianity vol. 1’ on the role of women in early church leadership: It is clear…
Bible Study Websites
Over the past couple of years I’ve run across some interesting and useful websites that provide tools for Bible study. Here’s a list of some…