καλὸς ὁ βίος· ἡ ἡσυχία θησαυρός Life is good, and leisure is a treasure. Well, my translation is probably off, but that’s about as good…
Perseverance in Evangelism
I was preparing for a Bible study and came across Acts 19:8-10, 8 He entered the synagogue and for three months spoke out boldly and argued…
Why Evangelicals Need Theological Retrieval
I just ran into this great article from The Gospel Coalition and I thought I’d share: “Why Evangelicals Need Theological Retrieval”
John Cooper on Christian “influencers” falling away
Over the summer, a very influential Christian announced he was leaving his faith. Just a few days ago, another influential Christian announced his doubts about…
Bible Study Websites
Over the past couple of years I’ve run across some interesting and useful websites that provide tools for Bible study. Here’s a list of some…
Finding a Daily Devotional Program
As I begin my journey into achieving new goals, one of them is to separate some time during the day for devotional. I would normally listen to an audio devotional on my way to work, to save time, however, I want to commit to actually spending time studying the Scriptures, without any distractions. Normally, what would happen was that as I listened to the audio devotional I would also think about the work I had to do for that day, and on some occasions, the audio devotional would just turn into background noise for me. Therefore, today I will start separating some time for my devotional, hopefully devoid of any other distractions. Read more