Glock 42 review: Tiny, Comfortable, Accurate


Today my friends and I rented a Glock 42 to try out. I don’t like small guns because of the high recoil, and before today I would not have gone smaller than a 43X or P365X. But shooting the 42 was surprisingly very comfortable! It had almost no recoil and was very accurate. I wouldn’t use it as my every day carry because I am very happy with my current choice. But from the few rounds I shot, I see it as a well-made tiny machine that’s easy to learn and get used to.

A good gun review is done after about 1,000 rounds, and considers every aspect of the gun. But I don’t have time for that, so here’s my lightning review after shooting only 12 rounds:

Pros: Highly concealable; surprisingly comfortable to grip; accurate (easy to shoot well on the first try); barely any recoil; not too loud.

Cons: Limited round capacity (the one I shot only held six rounds); grip is too small so the pinky won’t wrap around it.

Final Verdict: Try it out! I would not have rented it if my friend weren’t interested in it. But I’m glad I did. If you’re looking for a tiny, concealable, low-recoil gun, this is probably the way to go. Maybe, I only shot 12 rounds.

I also wrote this as a series of posts on X.